(NOTE: This 20 minute video can be viewed in your device's Browser or on your device's Video player. For optimum performance download the 200mb video to your device and play it on your default Video player directly, without the app.)Qigong, also known as 'acupuncture through movement', is one of the best-kept secrets of Chinese Medicine. In terms of Chinese Medicine, Qigong is superior to acupuncture for those who are able and willing to practice it.
Medical research supports the use of Qigong in treating symptoms of cancer, PTSD, stress, depression, diabetes, drug addiction, fibromyalgia, mild traumatic brain injury, Parkinson's disease, dementia, arthritis, and other common conditions that afflict the elderly.
'Stand Like a Tree' Qigong is a 20 minute Qigong set that is simple to do, but is much more challenging than any of the other Qigong sets I offer.
'Stand Like a Tree' Qigong will place your roots deep and ground you in stillness like a tree by a swift running stream. Your mind and body will resist until they let go and quiet entirely.
'Stand Like a Tree' Qigong requires little space, and is simple to do, but is very challenging - just follow along with the video on your laptop or mobile device.